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Biblical Art Series :
Logos Artcraft
Λόγος Τέχνηχειροτεχνία
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Brand New Biblical Art Class: 

    "Logos Artcraft"

   Studying the Word together

And expressing personal feelings

  and insights from the biblical messages

    through creation of aesthetic artcrafts

Pink Gradient

Class Features

  • Emphasize both biblical study and art, with learning hours equally distributed on two aspects

  • Study Book of Romans to acquire an in-depth and holistic understanding toward the gospel

  • Create artworks to express inner feelings and insights

Throughout the 12 lessons, the odd-numbered lessons will be on studying the Bible scriptures and group discussion; whereas the even-numbered lessons will be on learning about symbolic expression, as well as integrating Biblical scriptures and personal inspiration into art creation.

Upon completion of the class, Tharros Centre will organise a semi-public "Biblical Art Exhibition and Sharing Session". Students may invite friends and guests to this exhibition, sharing their understandings and feelings in biblical study, and also witnessing them imprinting their determination into hearts through symbolic artworks. Besides, we will prepare stunning brochures and a custom-made website for students, recording each student's art creation and insights in accordance. These serve as souvenirs for students and guests, allowing students to share with friends who are not available to attend the sharing session. 

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​Lecture notes are written in Chinese; and language of instruction is Cantonese. Classes are available in classroom and online Zoom simultaneously so that they will not be affected by change of pandemic situation or geographical limitation.


Tuition fee is HK$2500 per course.

Companion Discount: When 2 students enroll in the same course together, each student can enjoy a 10% discount. When 3 or more students enroll in the same course together, each student can enjoy a 15% discount.


If students would like to cancel enrollment of the course, application of refund shall be made before the start of the course. [Refund Terms & Conditions] apply.

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Book of Romans


Apostle Paul is regarded as the most important figure in the New Testament after Jesus Christ. From the fact that Paul's literary work comprises half of the New Testament, his importance and contribution toward the Biblical Word can be revealed. His "Book of Romans" is also known as "Paul's Gospel", which comprehensively and systematically addresses Christ's salvation. 

As for art creation, the concepts of "Saint Symbolism" and "Art Iconography" are integrated in art learning, allowing students to effectively express conceptual ideas in simple ways. 

Date of Class:

19/8/2022 to 11/11/2022 (Fridays) 7:30-10:00pm

Date of Sharing:

25/11/2022 (Friday) 7:30-9:30pm

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